YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads Agency

YouTube Ads

Increase Your Brand Awareness

Connect With Highly Targeted Audiences For Higher Conversion Rates

Capture Quality Leads On Demand

Our Challenge

Let’s level up your brand
awareness with highly-
targeted YouTube Ads

With over 1 billion unique users per month, YouTube has become the second-largest search engine in the world (yes, it’s bigger than Google). If you haven’t considered utilizing Youtube ads in your marketing strategy, it’s time to jump on board and harness its potential for your business.


With a global community


We're proud to have helped over 3,000 businesses

Digital Assets

Work with influencers to create drive leads to your brand.

your YouTube ads agency

Diversify your channel mix with YouTube ads.

YouTube is one of the most lucrative places to reach potential customers with your business message.

With the right strategy in place, YouTube Ads can be a powerful tool to grow your business.

Reach Engaged AudiencesLead Generating CampaignsCaptivating YouTube Ads to Boost Your Business.
Don’t Take Just Our
Word For It...

“We’ve developed expertise around the unique technology and experience challenges facing."

Great Agency


“We’ve developed expertise around the unique technology and experience challenges facing."

Great Agency


Your YouTube Ads Team

Our Your Team

Jordan Cannon

Marketing Specialist

Mike Hall: SEO Expert

Mike Hall

SEO Expert


Meow-rale Officer

Our YouTube Ads

Setting Objectives

We take the time to understand your business objectives, goals for the YT ads and KPI’s to use for tracking campaign success.

YouTube Advertising Strategy

Next, we start curating branded video content and copy designed to engage and convert on YouTube

Campaign Building

We get to work building out your relevant YouTube campaigns, ensuring they are tied to your business goals.

Reaching Audiences

We drill down on the audience your YouTube ads will reach based on demographics such as; age, gender, location, interests and more. We then efficiently reach your ideal customer segments.

YouTube Ad Management

We monitor your ad performance metrics to ensure campaigns are high performing and achieve your business goals.

More Leads To Your Business

We provide a monthly report detailing the results of the ad campaigns and measure the volume of leads attracted.

YouTube Ads FAQ
What are Youtube Ads?

YouTube Ads are a powerful and cost-effective way to reach a large and engaged audience. With the ability to target specific demographics and interests, YouTube Ads can be used to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales.

Before you begin creating your ad, you’ll need to decide who your target audience is and what message you want to convey. Once you’ve determined this, you’ll need to decide which ad format is best suited for your needs.

There are several different types of ads you can use on YouTube, including:

TrueView Ads are the most popular form of YouTube Ads and are seen more often than any other type of ad. They give viewers the choice to watch an ad or skip it after five seconds.

Bumper Ads are short, six-second non-skippable ads that provide a quick way to get your message across.

Video Discovery Ads appear in the search results and related video sections of YouTube.

Outstream Video Ads are full-screen video ads that can appear outside of YouTube, such as on mobile devices and websites.

What can your business achieve through YouTube Ads?

Ads on YouTube can be incredibly effective in getting the word out about your business, products, or services. But creating an effective ad takes time, research, and strategic planning.

When creating your YouTube Ads, we can select from various objectives such as raising awareness about your product or service, driving website traffic or increasing brand engagement.

We can also target different types of audiences including those who have already interacted with your brand, those who watch content related to your product or service, and those who show interest in competitors’ products or services.

Once we have set up your campaign, you can track your performance using analytics tools provided by YouTube. This will help you identify what works best for your business so you can optimize your campaigns accordingly.

With the right strategy in place, YouTube Ads can be a powerful tool to grow your business.

How do we develop your YouTube Advertising Strategy?

Once we have decided on an ad format, it’s time to start creating your ad. To do this, we start with a compelling headline, select engaging visuals or videos, write a clear and concise description of your product or service, and provide a call to action.

Creating an effective YouTube ad strategy requires careful planning and consideration. By taking the time to do our research and create a thoughtful ad, we maximize the potential of your YouTube marketing strategy.

Then we offer a range of reporting metrics that can help you determine how effective your ad is at achieving your goals.

How much does it cost to advertise on YouTube?

YouTube Ads can be a great way to promote your business and generate leads, but we always consider your ROI for each campaign. But we jump in, we think it’s important to understand the key objectives behind your YouTube Ads so that you can create a plan that works for your budget.

TrueView Ads are skippable ads that allow users to skip after 5 seconds if they choose to do so. They can also be customized with various targeting options such as age, gender, interests, and location. This type of ad is great for driving brand awareness and often has the lowest cost-per-view (CPV).

Paid placements are ads that are placed in videos uploaded by other creators and are not skippable. These types of ads are great for targeting more specific audiences and often have a higher CPV.

The cost of YouTube Ads will depend on a variety of factors including the type of Ad, the number of views, the video length, and the targeting options used. Generally speaking, TrueView Ads tend to be cheaper than Paid Placements. You can expect to pay anywhere from $0.01 to $10+ per view depending on your ad budget and campaign goals.

Ultimately, the cost of running YouTube Ads will depend on what type of Ads you want to run and how much you are willing to invest in them. But regardless of your budget, there are always ways to make YouTube Ads work for your business. With the right strategy and budget in place, you can create an effective YouTube advertising campaign that helps drive conversions and grow your business.

How do we track the success of your YouTube advertising campaigns?

If we are running Youtube ads for your business, we want to make sure that it’s achieving the desired results. While it’s easy to track basic metrics such as clicks and impressions, there are several more specific metrics that can help us measure the success of your campaign.

We consider the engagement rate of your ad. This metric looks at the percentage of viewers who engaged with your ad by either watching the entire video or taking an action such as clicking through to your website or making a purchase. If you’re looking for an indication of how well your ad resonated with viewers, the engagement rate is a great place to start.

Next, we take a look at the conversion rate. This metric looks at the number of people who took an action after viewing your ad and is typically expressed as a percentage of viewers who completed the desired action (such as signing up for an email list). The higher the conversion rate, the more effective your ad has been in driving sales or leads.

Finally, we track your return on investment (ROI). This metric looks at the total cost of running the ad compared to the amount of money you earned from it, so we can easily determine whether the ad was worth it or not. We achieve this through tracking website visitors, lead generations and sales.

By tracking these metrics and measuring their success, we can get a better sense of how well your Youtube ad is performing and make any necessary adjustments accordingly.

Instagram Ads


  • 1 Ad Set - 3 Custom Creatives
  • Build relevant ad campaigns
  • Curate branded ad content & copy
  • Customer demographic set-up 
  • Ad monitoring & reporting


One Time (inc. GST.)


  • 3 Ad Sets - 3 Custom Creatives each
  • Build relevant ad campaigns
  • Curate branded ad content & copy
  • Customer demographic set-up 
  • Ad monitoring & reporting


One Time (inc. GST.)

+ Management

  • Improve ads performance
  • Provide ROI per month
  • Manage budgets & spend
  • In-depth reporting

$220 or 15% of budget

/m (inc. gst)

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